October, the month of book fairs and long, hectic workdays is coming to an end, which can only mean one thing: it’s Halloween, the spookiest holiday of the year!
This is an excellent time to dive into some good literature where the fantastical, the mythical, the absurd, and the spooky creep in. If you’ve already read all our backlist and are familiar with our literary horror titles, our middle-grade mystery and horror books, then you’re in luck because this Halloween readers can enjoy an unprecedented English translation of one of internationally best-selling author Juhani Karila‘s short stories from his collection The Death of the Apple Crocodile.

The short story is called Game Land, and it is available in an English translation by Lola Rogers on World Literature Today, the University of Oklahoma’s award-winning magazine of international literature and culture.

Shakespeare famously said in Romeo and Juliet that “What’s in a name? That which we call a rose, by any other word would smell as sweet” but in Game Land not calling Her Highness the Lovely Princess Rose with her correct title sets in motion a series of absurd and fantastical events in a Finnish school, which is turned overnight into a luxury casino, Game Land.
You can read the full story here.
And you can find more about Juhani Karila and his authorship here.
Congratulations to the author and thank you to World Literature Today for the feature!