Eva Frantz: You Will Not Take My Child

The fourth book in the Anna Glad series where the past and its secrets separate and bind together the inhabitants of a small town.

Author: Eva Frantz
Swedish original: Ungen min får du aldrig
Publisher: Schildts & Söderströms, 2023
Genre: crime
Number of pages:  298 pp.
Reading material: Swedish original, Finnish translation

Rights sold: Denmark, Gyldendal (optioned); Estonia, Rahva Raamat (optioned); Germany, AufbauNorway, MangschouSweden, Sekwa (optioned)

Anna Glad is juggling her roles as a parent of a toddler and a senior detective, with varying degrees of success. There are several suspicious deaths happening around the city, a school secretary is missing and something is at odds at the closed school building, soon to be demolished. Anna’s partner Tomas, stay-at-home dad, is like a rock to lean on, but is he a little too interested in the life of his new friend playground parent friend Mimmi Sandberg? Mimmi is 4-year-old Veera’s foster mother, and now Veera’s biological mother wants her custody back. Is Mimmi’s home as safe as she herself wants to believe?

You Will Not Take My Child continues the skilful series of crime novels where the inhabitants of a small town are divided and bound together by the secrets of the past. In Finland alone the three first books of the series have sold over 55,000 copies.

Also available:
Then Die Contentedly (2024)
Out of the Game (2020)
The Eighth Maiden (2018)
The Blue Villa (2017)
Summer Isle (2016)

The Secret of Helmersbruk Manor (2021)
Queen of the Night (2021)
The Mystery of Raspberry Hill (2018)

About the author:
Eva Frantz