Timo Miettinen: Europe – A History of Political Community

How the shared economy became a guarantee of European peace.

Author: Timo Miettinen
Finnish original: Eurooppa. Poliittisen yhteisön historia
Publisher: Teos, 2021
Genre: nonfiction
Number of pages: 400 pp + 16 pp illustrations
Reading material: Finnish original, English sample
English synopsis

The post-war creation of the European Union is often described as an historic peace making endeavour. Yet the ideas that shaped the union were sown long before the EU was founded.

Europe’s identity as a political community has been greatly influenced by its perceptions of the nature of power, the essence of justice, and the course of history. The economy has played a special role, fundamentally shaping the key terms and conditions for European cooperation.

Europe. A History of Political Community is an accessible introduction to the central tenants of the European political order and their philosophical and ideological roots since antiquity. It was awarded as the best historical nonfiction title of 2021.

“Miettinen’s epic work is historical research of an exceptional intellectual calibre, without a trace of grandstanding. It shuns simplifications and shows a respect for the diversity and complexity of explanations.”
– Optio magazine

“Miettinen has written one of the best books I have read on European political thought. It is an intellectual journey worth taking. It should be read by everyone who wants to understand Europe.”
– Alexander Stubb, former Prime Minister of Finland

About the author:
Timo Miettinen