Winter brings along the first snowfall and many other wonders for the little canary.
Author: Kristiina Lähde, Julia Vuori (illustrations)
Finnish original: Arhippa pyryharakkana
Publisher: Teos, 2021
Genre: Illustrated Children’s Fiction
Number of pages: 34 pp.
Reading material: Finnish original, English translation
The little canary Archie and the taxi driver Swisher have been working all day. It is already dark: the days are short in the north, as the end of the year is approaching. Suddenly something strange happens. There is something falling from the sky! Something small and glittering – something that Archie has never seen before. And all of the sudden it is dark but also light. And cold! Winter has arrived.
Other strange things start soon happening, too. All of Swisher’s and Archie’s customers seem to be very busy, for different reasons. And it seems to be contagious! But is it really worthwhile to be so stressed and worried? Shouldn’t other things matter more?
“Ouch!” said Swisher when a throat lozenge flew out and hit him in the forehead.
Archie rummaged around in the glove compartment like a crazy whirlwind.
“Come on out of there, you!” she said to some object in the bottom of the glove compartment.
“I’m in a hurry!”.
“Where are you in a hurry to?” Swisher wanted to know.
“Everyplace!” Archie answered.
Archie in a Tizzy is the third book about the tiny canary Archie, whose daily adventures with the philosophical taxi driver Swisher result into warmly humorous conversations and insights.
Also available
Archie Goes South (Arhippa. Nokka kohti etelää, 2016)
Archie in the Spring (Arhippa kevään korvalla, 2019)
About the authors
Kristiina Lähde
Julia Vuori